perjantai 24. heinäkuuta 2015


For Paint Party Friday Week 20 Year 5
First I drew the girl on a cardstock with a pencil and coloured her with ink pencils and chalks. Then added the drawing onto the background,
which I collaged digitally with images and prints, and finished the mixed-mediawork editing the quotes:
"There is just something hypnotic about maps."
- Ken Jennings 
"I'm just the smallest dot in a big map of human
 history." - Ben Casnocha

Thank you for stopping by.
 I really apreciate your kind comments.
Happy PPF♥
" Kartoissa on jotain aivan hypnoottista." 
- Ken Jennings
"Olen vain mitä pienin pilkku ihmiskunnan historiassa."- Ben Casnocha 
Mixedmedia-työni tein piirtämällä ja värittämällä ensin tytön korttipohjalle lyijy- ja värikynillä sekä liiduilla. Sitten lisäsin valmiin kuvan digitaalisesti tekemälleni kollaasipohjalle. Viimeistelin työn editoimalla siihen mietelauseet.
Kiitos käynnistä ja kommenteista. 
Mukavaa perjantaipäivää♥

23 kommenttia:

  1. That's a fabulous collage with you handdrawn painting Sirkkis! Happy PPF!
    Happy weekend!

  2. I like all the interesting elements you collaged around your beautiful portrait. Happy PPF! #11

  3. Mukava lukea, miten sinä teoksesi teet, itse en tuota digitaalista osaa.

  4. Beautiful mixed media piece!! Thanks for sharing...

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Amazing creation with such wonders.

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. I like your new lady with her straight hair and you've made a terrific collage around her.

  7. Tosi kaunis ja mielenkiintoinen. Minäkin opettelen piirtämistä ja ostin uuden artjournal kirjankin tätä varten.

  8. Your face is wonderfully drawn, I love that the iconic figures surrounds her head

  9. Wonderful collage Sirkkis! I love the map background, fabulous! hugs :)

  10. Two wonderful quotes an you fabulous collage. Love the painted face, she looks so serene.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Really wonderful work and great effort. Greetings!

  12. Love your collage, though it kind of intimidating be think of how small we are in the big scheme of the universe. Have a great weekend.

  13. I really like all the elements you've added to your collage. It's a great piece. :)

  14. Terrific mixed-media work with hand drawn portrait and the background art. I especially like the background with the mix of arts and quotes.

  15. I think collage is very difficult. What you have done here is beautiful and I love your script.

  16. Ihastuttava kollaasi. Kartoissa on kyllä, jotain hypnoottista. Itselläni on interrail matkani kartta seinällä, siihen liittyy paljon muistoja.

  17. Gorgeous art work. Happy Friday!

    Love and hugs

  18. Such a detailed and fin collage!!! Glad you got my stamp atc!!!
    I always enjoy seeing your creations!!!

  19. I so enjoy seeing the beautiful drawing, painting and collage work you have done. thank you for leaving a comment on my blog.

  20. Great theme for the collage and lovely examples together!


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