perjantai 9. helmikuuta 2018

Sleeping Angels

I made this mixed-media piece using a part of my earlier hand-made work beneath, witch I've made using a napkin, gesso, cheese clothe and golden molding paste.
On my new digitally made piece above I saved the angels and embellishments, and added digital overlays and pieces of map prints, texts and a frame.
I'm linking the mixed-media work in Paint Party Friday 
Week 49, Year 7.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
💖 Happy PPF 💖
'Nukkuvat enkelit'
Tein sekatekniikkatyön käyttaen osia aiemmin käsin tekemästäni työstä, jossa on servettiä, harsokangasta, gessoa ja kullanväristä muotoilupastaa.
Nyt säilytin enkelit ja koristeet ja lisäsin digitaalisia kerrostumia, karttaprinttejä, tekstejä ja kehyksen.
 Kiva kun kurkkasit.
💖 Hyvää viikonloppua kaikille 💖

19 kommenttia:

  1. Herkät ovat kummatkin ja jälleen upeaa tyskentelyä 🙂 Ihanaa viikonloppua myös sinulle💗

  2. Very cool...i am in awe of people who know how to work digitally...happy ppf (#3)...

  3. How clever to do this digital art. It looks awesome.
    Happy Paint Party Friday
    Vicki-Ann :)

  4. Your original mixed media piece looks beautiful, very interesting texture - and with your digital adding you made a fabulous artwork!
    Happy PPF!

  5. This is literally a heavenly piece of art!
    So beautiful!!!

    Hugs xx

  6. The mixed media angels painting is so gorgeous, Sirkkis!

  7. This is truly very very pretty.

  8. really beautiful. Love the digital touches you added to your piece! Happy PPF!

  9. So very pretty! Love the beautiful cherubs! Happy PPF :)

  10. Absolutely divine and soooooo creative ~ wonderful angels!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. How sweet ... Looks like they want to sleep until winter is finally over :-) Happy PPF!

  12. It's adorable! I love your colour choices with the subtle blues and the golds :)

  13. This is lovely and I so admire anyone doing digital work. I tried years ago and decided I would never figure it out. Seeing what you do tempts me again. Happy PPF

  14. Your mixed media piece is amazing with these two sleeping angels under their flimsy blankets, they look so peaceful.
    Your digital piece is terrific too and they are now sleeping up in the clouds.
    It's beautiful delicate art, Sirkkis.

  15. Beautiful digital work. I wouldn't know where to begin with digital art. Your angels are so sweet! Happy PPF! Rasz


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