sunnuntai 21. toukokuuta 2023

Still Life-inspiration

My inspiration for the 'Flower'-theme is the creation of  'Still life' art.
The Still Life is (Wikipedia) a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically common place objects which are either natural (food, fruits, flowers, dead animals, plants, rocks, shells, etc.) or man-made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewelry, coins, papers, etc.)
I'm linking my Still life creation on the theme 'Flowers' chosen by Aimeslee at the Art Journal Journey Challenge this month. The materials which I used in my creation are old Mischief Circus images.
Thank you for looking.
'Still Life'-inspiraationi on tulkintani teemaan 'Kukat'. Still Life on taideteos, joka kuvaa pääasiassa tavallisia elottomia asioita kuten ruokaa, hedelmiä, kukkia, kuolleita eläimiä, kasveja, kiviä, ym. tai ihmisen  tekemiä esineitä (juomalaseja, kirjoja, maljakoita, koruja, rahoja, papereita ym.) Materiaali, mitä käytin on vanhoja Mischief Circus kuvia.
Hyvää viikonjatkoa kaikille.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Love the skulls and flowers. What a cool still life, Sirkkis. Very creative and interesting. Fun. Hugz

  2. Oh my goodness, thank you for linking this up to AJJ, Sirkkis. It's gorgeous, every bit like the old paintings! I still have some Mischief Circus images but I print them to use. I have tried to do what you do and I stand in awe. It's hard! Have a good week, xoxo

  3. Beautiful I am once again totally in love with the still life page.I love it.
    Have a happy week, hug Elke

  4. What a great still life piece. I love the mix of gothic skulls and the beauty of new blooming flowers. Thanks again for joining us At AJJ. And happy new week to you.hugs-Erika

  5. Gorgeous Still Life page. Inspired and beautiful composition.

  6. Oh Sirkkis, I love your take on still life. This has got to be the absolute best flower theme I have seen this month. I am in total awe of this. Thank you beyond belief for sharing this with us using Aimeslee's theme at AJJ.

  7. Oh my! I absolutely love this page! A brilliant take on Aimeslee's AJJ theme! Hugs, Chrisx


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