My digital art journal page for the theme 'Dots' hosted by Mia at Art Journal Journey this month.
Design, layering, all effects and filters are made by me in my photoshop program.
The image material is from old MCC-sets from my archive, and altered by me.
Thank you for visiting.
'Taitavinkaan käsi ei ole muuta kuin mielen palvelija' -Jean Renoir
Digitaalisesti tekemäni art journal-sivu teemaan 'Pisteet, täplät'.
Olen suunnitellut ja toteuttanut työni kaikkine tehosteineen ja muunnelmineen käyttäen vanhoja arkistoimiani MCC-kuvia.
Kiitos käynnistäsi.
*wow* This design from your site is wonderful!
VastaaPoistaThe saying is also fantastic and so fitting!
Happy day , hug Elke
Thank you Elke for your visit and lovely comment ❤️
PoistaEnjoy the winter day, too 👍🏼
Oi mikä ihana loistelias työ 👍💖 siinä ihan silmä lepää 💖
VastaaPoistaVoi, kiitos Silkku 💝 Kiva taas jatkaa taiteilua, kun on kaltaisesi kaveri 😘
PoistaUpea ja voimallinen työ
VastaaPoistaKiitos Enkuli, ja hyvää jatkoa 😘
PoistaWow, this looks so regal. Well done my friend.
VastaaPoistaThanks Nicole ☺️
PoistaWhat a beautiful piece of art this is Sirkkis. I love how you have incorporated dots into the picture by using orbs and the world. So much to see when you look at your journal picture, powerful colours and figures.
VastaaPoistaHugs, Neet xx
Thank you my friend 😘
PoistaSuch true words and lovely art, Sirkkis. I love how the hand/arm holds the world and the ladies. Cool background elements too. I have missed your art - I need to do better keeping up. Hugz
VastaaPoistaThank you Nancy, I've missed your beautiful art, too 💖
PoistaI like how you used dots on this page Sirkkis. And I really like the hand holding the earth. Nicely done, and perfect for Mia's AJJ challenge. Thanks for joining us, and I hope you're having a lovely week too. hugs-Erika
VastaaPoistaThanks, Erika; a happy day to you, too 😘
PoistaI absolutely love the dots on the page, but the globe was the biggest dot of all. So incredibly clever. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us at AJJ using Mia's theme.
VastaaPoistaThank you Elizabeth for your visit and the kind comment 🥰
PoistaAnother STUNNING art piece! Your digital work is fabulous in detail and color!