perjantai 7. helmikuuta 2025

Frida on the boxcover/Frida kannella

 My mixed media art work, which I've handmade on a cut shoebox cover. I've 
over painted the face of Frida Kahlo, and made the background with different ripped pieces of papers, and finalized the work with the flower embellishments and the words of Frida.
I'm linking my work at the Nicole's DV Artist Friday Face Off.
Thank you for looking and have a lovely weekend ahead 💐
Mixed-media työni, jonka olen käsin tehnyt kenkälaatikon kannelle. Frida Kahlon kuvan ole päälle maalannut käsin, ja taustan tehnyt repimilläni paperin paloilla ja viimeistellyt työni kukkakoristeilla ja Fridan lausumilla sanoilla. 
Linkitys 'Kasvot'-teemaan (aiemmin tehdyt työt sallitaan).
Kiitos käynnistäsi ja hyvää viikonloppua💐

22 kommenttia:

  1. ...beautiful, I have Frida too. Be well.

  2. Vastaukset
    1. Sielukas kauneus ja traaginen kohtalo tekevät hänestä erityisen.
      Kiitos kommentista ja hyvää viikonloppua sinulle 😘

  3. This is amazing Sirkkis. Freida is one artist I would love to see some of her work. But in the meantime, I really enjoy seeing your piece today. Have a super rest of your day and weekend ahead. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you very much my friend 😘
      Enjoy a weekend and be well 👍🏼🌞

  4. Fantastic Frida collage/mixed media art work ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Oh I just put the movie Frida in my watch list. I have seen it several times but it's a good one. I love your collage. Your art is so inspiring. Thank you for joining FFO.

    1. Our TV has ptrsented at least 2 different documents about her life, which was dragic but in same time beautiful.
      Thank you for your comment and challenge Nicole 😍

  6. This is beautiful, Sirkkis! I knew nothing about Frida Kahlo until a new painting appeared in our favorite neighborhood Mexican restaurant. I asked our waitress about the painting because it was fascinating and obviously filled with symbolism. She told me she had painted it, copying an original by Frida. I googled her when I got home and discovered the waitress's reproduction was perfect. Since then I'm spotting Frida and her work in all kinds of places. And every time I see Yvonne, I tell her she needs to be painting. She and I are alike, so short on time, lol. You are very talented as well, and I love to see your creations. I hope your new year has gotten off to a great start! Aloha!

    1. Thank you Louise for your comment. I've seen two different doguments made of her life, which was extraordinary dragig but full of art and also love.
      As she's said 'I paint my own reality'.
      Have a wonderful and healthy life ahead 😘

  7. Todella upea työ 👍 ihana Frida 💖 mukavaa viikonloppua sinulle 💖✨🌞

    1. Kiitos paljon, ja hyvää viikonloppua myös sinulle 😘

  8. Wonderful creation.
    I like it even more because I really admire Frida!!

  9. A beautiful, wonderful dedication for Frida with this mix piece, I also saw the documentary, her life was very interesting. Happy Sunday, Elke

    1. Thank you for the comment Elke.
      Happy day to you, as well 😍


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