sunnuntai 27. huhtikuuta 2014

Leisure/Vapaa-aika - TAW

I altered the cover page of Good Housekeeping family magazine which was published in 1915. 
It's amusing many ways: I wonder if there were leggings at those days or are they stockings with swimming shoes? And the editorial topics are really funny.
I think this kind of "twilight sleep" of a housewife 
could be leisure time;)
I made edges in PSE, the light effects, and flowers are Kryztal Rain's. The cover is a freebie from Internet.
Here is the original cover:
Alkuperäinen kansi
Muokkasin Good Housekeeping aikakauslehden kansikuvaa. 
Lehti on ilmestynyt vuonna 1915.
Se on hämmästyttävä monella tavalla: ihmettelen, oliko jo tuolloin leggingsejä vai ovatkohan ne sukat uimakenken kanssa? Ja nuo toimituksen aiheet ovat tosi huvittavia.
Ajatelin tämän perheenemännän "päiväunelmoinnin" olevan myös
 vapaa-aikaa :)
Reunukset tein PSE:a, valoefektit ja kukat ovat Kryztal Rainin. Kansi on ilmaiskuva netistä.

14 kommenttia:

  1. Lovely piece, and the magazine loos very interesting - I think the women had very different lives then! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Eipä uskoisi, että lehti on niin vanha. Hienosti olet muokannut!

  3. Lovey work.

    I think they are stockings, no idea about the twilight sleeping though...

  4. Thanks for visit Chris, a strange combination anyway ;)

  5. i´m also wondering about those "leggins"... but i like your idea of freshing up a magazine cover!

  6. Sirkkis you have altered the old magazine page so well, really beautifully made, thanks for sweet comment on my book blog.

  7. A very creative idea and beautifully done. Perhaps the twilight sleeping was a sort of day dreaming! xx

  8. It always fascinates me what you do with magazine pages, Sirrkis. This is wonderful, and I marvel at your creativity.

  9. Excellent choice and beautiful work Sirkkis!

  10. Great image - I love your take on leisure.

  11. It seems to me that nighttime would be the time for skinny dipping. She must have been a very proper lady!

  12. You did a great job with magazine pages. Great idea and so original, just perfect.

  13. Wonderful artwork and a lovely way to spend time.

  14. Oh yes, just the kind of leisure activity I like. x


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