sunnuntai 28. joulukuuta 2014

TAW/Numbers - AJJ/Collage

I did this collage thinking of the coming year 2015. It includes one of my hopes for the future:
 'Innovative' is the word which I would like to
present at my life and my art.

I link the collage to:
Art Journal Journey12/2014 # Collage

Image credits to: Altered Emporium, 
Holliewood Studios.
Thanks for looking and wishing joyful Holidays to you.
Tein tämän kollaasin ajatellen tulevaa vuotta 2015.
Se sisätlää yhden toiveistani tulevaisuudelle:
Innovatiivisuus, uudistuvuus, kekseliäisyys... 
 tätä haluaisin kuuluvan elämääni ja taiteeseeni.

Kiitän vierailusta ja toivotan iloista jatkoa juhla-ajalle!

Tein kollaasini teemoihin:
TAW/Numerot, AJJ/Kollaasi
Kuvalähteet kuten yllä.

21 kommenttia:

  1. Beautiful collage. Thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Samoja ajatuksia itselläni, jotain uutta.

  3. Hi Sirkkis! Thank you for the wonderful Christmas wishes you left me while I was away. I had such a great holiday, I hope you did too! This is such a beautiful collage, perfect for New Years! It's great to be back, see you again soon, big new year hugs :)

  4. High Sirkkis, this is a beautiful Collage for the New Year, made very modern and innovative. It tells from colours and flowers and hope. Ilike it so much.
    Dear Greetings

  5. Oh, I like this very much with its clear colours and modern look. Innovative - yes!

  6. Your collage is beautiful and Innovative is a great word to be inspired and guided by.
    Wishing you a Happy Healthy and Creative year dear Sirrkis.
    So happy to have "met" you here in blogland.

  7. I love that cheerful collage full of colors and hope. I wish you a happy, healthy,creative simply a blessed year.
    Big hugs Anja

  8. Lovely, Ssoul Sister!Happy New Year, my friend!

  9. A very innovative collage, Sirkkis, Happy New Year!

  10. What a lovely bit of art, and I like your choice of focus for 2015. I'll be looking for innovative art here -- but then your art always is innovative and well done!

  11. Beautiful emotive energy and expression!

  12. This is brilliant! It's fresh and fun! Happy new year, darling.

  13. Uskon toiveesi toteutuvan, sillä olet jo nyt innovatiivinen, uudistuva ja kekseliäs. Tulevana vuotena nämä vain vahvistuvat!
    Digityössäni näen jo selvästi kevään värejä...

  14. Great collage!
    I wish you a good start in the new year and many creative ideas!

  15. I like your modern peace of art. I hope all your wishes for 2015 come true.
    Greetings- Kathy

  16. A beautiful focal image and an awesome collage in every aspect. Hope the coming year will be a good one for you.
    Yvonne xx

  17. What a fabulous hat great job on this Sirkkis. Have a wonderful New Year my friend.

  18. Just fantastic art as always! Happy New Year dear one! xx

  19. Wow, this is absolutely gorgeous, I'm in love with this.

    Happy and healthy New Year to you and yours

  20. So beautiful and very creatively made Sirkkis, Happy New Year to you too.


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