perjantai 16. tammikuuta 2015

Vintage Greetings/Vintage terveiset

Mukavaa Viikonloppua !
Have a Nice Weekend :)

Lasten kuvan editoin vanhasta postikortista, jonka olen saanut 
Kiitos paljon Enkuli, kun jaat ihania korttejasi meillekin.
Muutettu tausta ja koristeet ovat  tarpeistostani.
 I edited the children image from the old postcard which is a freebie from Enkuli, Enkulin käsityöt -blog. Thank you a lot Enkuli for sharing your lovely cards with us.
The embellishments and the altered background 
are old freebies from my stash.

6 kommenttia:

  1. Hyvää viikonloppua.Kaunista työtä.

  2. Beautiful and adorable images. I love the background.
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Hugs, Mar

  3. What a very pretty greeting. I love the touches of pink and the pink bird sitting there. I hope you have a lovely weekend too.

  4. this is the sweetest piece of art!! love how you used the children...and the puppy :)

    also, thank you so much for stopping by my blog every so often, even when i don't post for a are a true soul... :)

  5. Beautiful job with the vintage elements Sirkkis! My favourite part is definitely that adorable doggie with the crown, so sweet! hugs :)


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