maanantai 13. heinäkuuta 2015

Clothes Pins/Pyykkipojat

For Dreamers Challenge July 12th 2015
at Digital Whisper Challenge Blog

Most of the images are freebies from the Google pics and the Creative Commons. The little washergirl was taken from an old children's bookcover, and her assistant is from TFS. I made the background with colouring and composing in PSE.
Thanks for looking and comments.
Useimmat kuvat ovat ilmaiskuvia Google-haulla ja Creative Commonsista. Pikku pesijätär on otettu vanhan lastenkirjan kannesta ja hänen apulaisensa TFS:sta. Taustan tein värittäen ja muokaten PSE:ssa.
Kiitos, kun poikkesit ja kommentoit.

21 kommenttia:

  1. Haha! I adore this one! Very well done Sirkkis!

  2. Love this…even though I would never have a frog as a helper!! Chrisxx

  3. Hyvänen aika, kun on ihastuttava!

  4. This is adorable with the amazing bright colours and wonderful fun images

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Oh Sirkkis i love this it is so cute.

  6. Oi miten kaunis ja ihana.Hienot ja värikkäät sukat.

  7. Terrific clothespin entry. Excellent! TFS.

  8. Your challenge piece is darling. You do a lot with your software to create interesting effects.

  9. This is wonderful, Sirkkis. I love the colorful socks and the cute laundry assistant!

  10. An adorable page, love the little girl and her helper.
    Yvonne xx

  11. What a fantastic piece- love those socks!

  12. What a wonderful scene you created Sirkkis, I love the fun socks on the line and the old fashioned wash board! hugs :)

  13. Magical, sweet and pretty!Love this Soul Sister!

  14. Great illustration! Love the hand-knitted (?) socks on the line, I am glad she is hand-washing the socks and not putting them in the washing machine. I must ask my frogs if they would like to help to hang out the washing.

  15. Thanks dear Sheila♥
    I think socks are the frog's because he has so long legs ;)

  16. Your picture is like a page from a fairy tale book! So nicely brightly and happily! Ulrike

  17. This is fantastic and so cute, Sirkkis! Love all adorable images, especially the frog.
    Hugs, Mar

  18. Oh this is so pretty and fun. I just love those socks x

  19. Oh my! This is such fun and very well done.
    Your creativity is amazing. Love everything about this composition.
    Great job!
    Thanks so much for playing in my Clothes Pin Challenge :)


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