tiistai 28. heinäkuuta 2015

Postage People Revisited 2015 ended

It's the time to say farewell to this year's 
Postage People ATC Swap.
Marion Bockelmann German 
hosted this wonderful swap and did a huge job for us posting a great number of our ATCs all over the world.
Thank you very much, Marion.
Here is her gorgeous "thank you"-extra card to me:
All ATCs you can see on the Pinterest board HERE

I received the lovely  ATCs from the talented artists:
Sabine Busch, Germany
Johannes Calvin
Alexandra Eitel, Germany
Don't forget to fly
Peggy Gatto, USA
George Washington
Thank you my dear blog friends, I love your wonderful cards♥

 I've made and posted these cards:

Thanks for looking and have a great time!
On aika jättää jäähyväiset tämän vuoden 'Postage People Revisited Swap', jonka on järjestänyt ja hoitanut Marion Bockelman. Hän on tehnyt suurenmoisen työn postittaessaan lukuisan joukon kortteja ympäri maailman. Kiitos Marion siitä ja upeasta extra-kiitos kortistasi, jonka sain!
Kaikki vaihtoon osallistuneet kortit voi nähdä Pinterest-taululla täällä.
Kiitos myös  teille kolmelle lahjakkaalle taiteilijalle upeista korteista, jotka sain teiltä:
Sabine Busch, Saksa
Alexandra Eitel, Saksa
Peggy Gatto, USA
Julkaisen vielä omat vaihtoon osallistuneet korttini.
Kiitos vierailusta blogissani ja mukavaa päivää♥

11 kommenttia:

  1. Oh what fun to see my atc, thank you and enjoy!!

  2. It was a fabulous swap, and I was so happy to receive one of your ATCs, the one on the left in your photograph. I had admired it on the Pinterest board and was really hoping I would receive it in the swap. x

  3. All wonderful cards you sent and received Sirkkis and thank you for sharing them with us

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. I wasn't aware of postage ATC's, but I LOVE THEM. I am fascinated by the way you collaged all the different elements to form the figures and scenes in the 3 that you made. Blessings!

  5. Thanks for making this swap a success, dear Sirkkis! My "ATC" of course only was a copy of an older ATC to send out notes; I would never make real ATCs that flimsy ;-)

  6. A wonderful set of ATC's you sent and the ones you received look super as well.
    Yvonne xx

  7. What a wonderful collection Sirkkis. Looks like the swap was a complete success! hugs :)

  8. I find these cards great, these different stamps have an incredible effect.

  9. What ATC Swap so fantastic, Sirkkis! You received and sent wonderful pieces. Absolutely stunning!!! Mar xx

  10. It was a great fun to create for this swap. You received wonderful ATCs too. Grüße von Ulrike

  11. It's truly and great collection and a super idea! :)


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