sunnuntai 9. lokakuuta 2016

SPA - Lions, Tigers and Bears

For the  Sunday Postcard Art theme: Lions, Tigers and Bears

Card size 4x6 inches

I made this card using googled material, text TFS.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Sunday!

Tein tämän postikorttikokoon teemaan Leijonat, tiikerit ja karhut googlatusta materiaalista. Teksti TFS.
Hyvää Sunnuntaita!

5 kommenttia:

  1. Terrific jungle images on this beautiful postcard

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Great collage work. I love the baby tiger!

  3. This is lovely. I especially like the cub.

  4. A very handsome postcard your pictures are so strong beautiful...lovely work.

  5. Just amazing and artful collaging, Sirkkis! So very well done! Love it!


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