lauantai 12. marraskuuta 2016

SPA - Gratitude/Kiitollisuus

For the Sunday Postcard Art theme
'This is day the
Lord has made.
We will rejoice and
  be glad in it.' 
Ps 118:24
The card was made with freebie materials.
Thank you for visiting.
'Tämä on se päivä, jonka
Herra on tehnyt;
riemuitkaamme ja iloitkaamme.'
Ps 118:24
Tein postikortin teemaan 'Kiitollisuus' ilmaismateriaaleista.
Hyvää Isänpäivä-sunnuntaita.

6 kommenttia:

  1. Wonderful card Sirkka with lots of feeling

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. First of all, Sirkkis, I love your blog page, especially the heading. I love your postcard too. It's elegant and beautifully designed. Great work.

  3. A wonderful card of gratitude. Beautifully done!

  4. What a sweet faced child and a wonderful scripture...beautiful work on this challenge.


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