maanantai 14. marraskuuta 2016

TAW - Love/Rakkaus

Jazz is one of my favorit music genres.
For the Take a Word Challenge theme 'Love'.
The collage was made with various googled materials, and the dansing couple tells also about another kind of love.
Thank you for visiting ❤
Musisiikki genreistä jazz on yksi suosikkejani.
Tein kollaasin teemaan 'Rakkaus'. 
Siinä tanssiva pari kuvastaa toisenlaistakin rakkautta.
Kiva, että poikkesit täällä ❤

10 kommenttia:

  1. Aikas magee digityö, hyvin tulee esille Jazzin voima;)

  2. Wonderful. I love jazz as well and spent a lot of my teenager years in Jazz Clubs--modern and traditional

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. What a vibrant and cheerful piece! Bravo!

  4. A wonderful night, music, dance a wonderful backdrop for love...fabulous work.

  5. The city lights in the background are perfect for this tribute to love of jazz and dance. It's a beautiful bit of art, Sirkkis, fit for framing! BRAVO

  6. Great design, would be a fabulous poster, powerful!!

  7. A great twosome - love and jazz. Your illustration is stunning, Sirkkis. Magnificent.

  8. This is stunning in its elegance and design!

  9. Great design that conveys energy and motion of the dance.

  10. WOW, WOW, WOW, I absolutely love this.


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