perjantai 3. maaliskuuta 2017

Zodiac signs in the water group

is the theme of this month at Mix It Monthly Challenge.

 I chose Cancer from three of them and made this digital page for Conny who is a talented houstess of the challenge blog. Pop in her site and see the great samples!
There are other visitors from the water group in my interpretation: you can see Pisces wandering around. Let's allow them swim in zone as well ;)
The girl is a magazine cutout from a lipstick ad. I coloured it digitally and added the cancer-image into her hand. The other images are from Itkupilli's kits, too. Layout design was made in PSE
.I'm linking my page also in Paint Party Friday Week 52, Year 6.
Thank you for the time you take to come in and I appreciate your comments a lot. 
 Happy PPF and delightful weekend to all my blog friends ❤

Tein tämän AJ-sivun teemaan 'Horoskooppimerkit vesi-ryhmässä'.
Valitsin kolmesta Ravun. Näyttää siellä olevan Kalojakin, mutta kun ovat samasta ryhmästä sallitaan niidenkin uiskennella alueella ;)
Tytön kuvan leikkasin aikakauslehden huulipunamainoksesta, värittelin sitä digitaalisesti ja laitoin ravun käteen. Useimmat muut kuvat ovat saksiniekan lisäksi nekin Itkupillin arkeilta. 
❤ Kiva, että poikkesit blogissa, ja oikein hyvää viikonloppua kaikille vierailijoille ❤

28 kommenttia:

  1. I love the mashup of images in this multi media piece. Great job. Visiting from PPF.

  2. A beautiful digital works - very creative ... lots of players. Love it Sirkkis :D) Happy PPF!

  3. Fantastic use of colour and images to make this dramatic piece.

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. intersting design of Cancer. Very colorful but I am glad I don´t have to eat them. :)

  5. Wow! This is gorgeous! I love the color and design. Happy PPF

  6. brilliant and striking page!! Happy PPF!

  7. A gorgeous display of reds and oranges. Have a happy weekend, Sirkkis.

  8. Beautiful collage work! I love the warm colours with the greens, it's a lovely contrast :)

  9. Absolutely great Mix it Monthly. Love the colors and you are definitely "in the zone"...

  10. I am loving the movement and the drama. AMAZING
    Happy PPF

  11. Wonderful creative mixed media creation ~ colorful and expressive ~ thanks,

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  12. Ohhh I absolutely love this page. The red, the girl, the crab just wonderful.

  13. Wow and Wow and Wow...great job!!!

    Hugs and Happy PPF!!!

  14. A fantastic collage of images. Its a great page.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Wow what a passionate piece!! Great job!! You have expressed this sign so well!! Wonderful work as always!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. Love the colours in this, and I like how you put the cancer in her hand. Great work!

  17. What a wonderful assortment of images beautifully combined! It's a fun idea too.

  18. OMG this is so vibrant and strong! Looove all the details! I think that digital artwork is not easy and I always bin amazed to see yours! "Check" for an amazing entry of this months theme! ;) ♥ Conny

  19. Even though I am a Capricorn- I am loving this and wishing i was an Aquarius!! Very cool! ")
    Jackie xx

  20. Wow! This has so much to enjoy! Love it! Chrisx

  21. This is wonderful! I love the color and energy! Have a great week :)

  22. What an exciting piece today.(This week)! Well done!


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