perjantai 13. heinäkuuta 2018

Oh,Happy Day!

With this digital piece I am wishing you my dear PPF-friends 
Happy PPF-Day!
I altered it with my photoshop tools from my earlier made digital work below:
Many colors, images and texts were added to the old version.
I'm linking the new piece at Paint Party Friday Week 19, Year 8.
Thank you for stopping by and the kind comment you leave.
P.S. It's very hot weather here just now, 
which may reflect to my altered picture ;)
Muunsin aimmin tekemäni digityön kuvankäsittelyohjelmallani, jossa lisäsin värit sekä lisää kuvaelementtejä ja tekstejä.
Lieneekö kuuma kesäpäivä syynä tähän värikkääseen inspikseen ;)
Hyvää aurinkoista viikonloppua kaikille!

17 kommenttia:

  1. Hienolta näyttää! Mukavaa kesäpäivää ja oikein kaunista viikonloppua♥

  2. Sirkkis, I feel your heat! It is Hot Hot hot here as well my friend!

    Loving on your digital-the shades of violet and purple -mmm,my favorite color, so this piece is right up there with me!

    Hope your weekend is beautiful!
    Jackie xx

  3. I love the new primary colour take on your digital piece! Looks cool!

  4. Wow this is really pretty. I love all the colors. It is quite striking.

  5. Very hot here as well! Love both your digital enhanced pieces-very cool! Happy PPF!

  6. It does reflect, it looks like she's on fire ;-) Love the words!

  7. I love how you altered your original page. This looks stunning with the hot colours you used.
    Yvonne xx

  8. On kyllä värikäs ja upea työ jälleen, miten hienoja noista digitöistä saakaan :) Ollaan kotiuduttu pikku saarestamme jossa olimme toista viikkoa :) Ihanaa päivää sinulle :)

  9. Love the lavendar lady. . but the other painting reminds me of the bad bad weather we have here. See that daily on our forecasts. Ugh. . .Blessings, Janet

  10. Such different effects, I think she's caught the sun :-)

  11. Interesting! I to like the "lavender lady". Happy PPF

  12. There are lovely, each a different mood
    Happy weekend


  13. I like both versions! Love how the mood changes with the color! Happy PPF!


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