maanantai 2. heinäkuuta 2018

Poppy Girl the second

'Never be afraid to be a Poppy in field of daffodils.'
-Michael DePrince
This is the second version of my 'Poppy girl'-mixed media work.
I painted the girl with acrylics and oil pastels, glued it onto the background, which I made with a napkin piece, a text page, and stenciled with blue acrylics. After scanned the page, I digitally gave the girl a poppy hat, added butterflies, bees, daffodils and the quote editing.
I am linking the page at the Take a Word Challenge theme 'Wings on anything'.
If you like to see the first page I made, it's on the home page of my blog.
Thank you for popping by 🌺
'Unikko-tyttö II'
Tämän mixed-mediasivuni tein teemaan 'Siivet' ja se on muunnelma jo aiemmin tekemästäni. Nyt lisäsin tytölle 'unikko-päähineen', mehiläisen, perhosparvia ja narsissit, jotka sopivat entiseen mietteeseen 'Älä koskaan pelkää olla unikko keltaliljaniityllä.'
Jos kiinnostaa, ensimmäinen versio on blogini etusivulla.
Kiva kun kurkkasit 🌺

13 kommenttia:

  1. Your painted girls have such unique personalities and this is another great addition to your portraits. She has lovely eyes and the poppy hat really suits her.
    Thanks for the advice, Sirkkis, next time I feel like being a poppy I won't be frightened to be with the daffodils.

  2. What a fab winged theme collage - love all the elements!

  3. I love that you take the time to tell us the journey of creation for your beautiful work. This is exceptional. Those eyes are mesmerizing!

  4. A wonderful collage with this amazing girl!

  5. She is lovely and so is her garden!

  6. This is a wonderful illustration for this beautiful quote Sirkkis!
    I do love the superb BG!

  7. This is so original and beautiful I love the words.

  8. This is a fabulous page, I have been enjoying a catch up on your posts to see you super art pages.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Love your hybrid piece and by-hand background xoxo

  10. Sirkkis,
    Your poppy gal is beautiful! How ever do you draw faces? Wish I could draw like that!she really is lovely!
    Jackie xx

  11. Lovely artwork. I like the pops of red.


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