sunnuntai 1. heinäkuuta 2018

A Gold Fish Couple

For the Dreamers Challenge July 1st theme 'Gold Fish'.
Both gold fishes were found by Internet search, the background I created with many different images and effects, and the bubbles I made with my photo shop tools.
Thank you for  stopping by and the comment 🐠
Have a great start on July.
Teemaan 'Kultakala' tein digikollaasin, johon kalat löytyivät netistä ja taustan tein monista tarpeistoni kuvista. Tehosteet ja kuplat syntyivät kuvankäsittelyni työkaluilla.
Kiva kun poikkesit katsomassa 🐠
Hyvää alkanutta heinäkuuta toivottelen kaikille.  

6 kommenttia:

  1. I love this - the background look like my son's fish tank! I always wonder what the fish might be thinking when they see me looking at them! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. You created such a beautiful background for your goldfish, Sirkkis. Very nice work!

  3. This is a dream-water-world for fhishes.
    I like it !

  4. This is fabulous one of your best.

  5. What a wonderful underwater world Sirkkis!
    The BG is fantastic and the goldfishes are so awesome! Bravo!!

  6. These fishes are delightful! What a beautiful graphic!
    Jackie xx


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