torstai 5. joulukuuta 2019

Follow your soul

'Follow your soul, it knows the way.'
I made this digital art journal page for the theme 'Words and Numbers' at Art Journal Journey Challenge. This month the theme was chosen by Yvonne aka Meggymay.
Most of images are freebies, layering made with Photoshop Elements.
I'll link the page also at Paint Party Friday, Week 40, Year 9. 
Thank you for looking.
Happy PPF and a good start to December everyone. 
'Seuraa sieluasi, se tuntee tien.'
Digikollaasina tekemäni art journal-sivu teemaan 'Sanat ja Numerot'.
Suurin osa kuvista on ilmaiskuvia. Asettelun tein kuvankäsittelyssäni.
Hyvää viikonloppua ja alkanutta joulukuuta kaikille blogivierailleni.

18 kommenttia:

  1. Voi miten suloisen kaunis sivu! Leppoisia joulukuun päiviä💗

  2. I love this. It doesn't look digital at all either. Hugs-Erika

  3. beautiful editing your journal imaginatively designed
    I wish you a Merry Christmas, too!
    Greetings Elke

  4. This page really shares the love, it looks beautiful with a super selection of detail and images.
    We thank you for adding this to Art Journal Journey it is a fantastic take on the current theme with its wonderful sentiments.
    Yvonne xx

  5. I love those words you used today, what a wonderful digital page you created. This would look amazing as a print.. Happy PPF Hugs Tracey xx

  6. Oh this has a place in my heart. BINGO! My favorite game.

  7. Delightful composition. Happy PPF


  8. What an absolutely stunning digital entry, Sirkkis. I can feel the love you poured into this latest entry you shared with us at Art Journal Journey. I love the tiny details some might overlook, like the flowers and leaves. I love the colors you chose and hw you carried them throughout your entire entry. The splatters give just the right amount of energy, yet leaves ample white space for my eye to pick up the next beautiful thing on this lush journal page. Thank you beyond belief for sharing this beauty with us using Yvonne's theme at Art Journal Journey. We genuinely appreciate your support and your art.

  9. Your piece is lovely Sirkkis! Love rules!!! :)

  10. This is a marvellous collage and so delightful to gaze at for a little while............... which I have now just done.
    I rather like the strip of colours across the middle, the hearts and the splatters. Of course I like all else too - like the words "Oh Happy Day" and it is always a happy day when you come by my blog so thank you for your very nice comment today (and every other day).
    Love from Sheila


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