perjantai 13. maaliskuuta 2020

If you have roots

My nature related mixed-media/art journal page for the challenge theme 'Green'         
chosen by Eileen for Art Journal Journey this month. 
The girl is my watercolor painting and I set her onto the background I made digitally this time.
I'm linking the page also at Paint Party Friday Week 2, Year 10. 
Thank you for calling in and the comment you leave.
Happy PPF and weekend everyone.
'Kun juuret ovat syvällä, ei ole mitään syytä pelätä tuulta'.
Mixed-media sivuni teemaan 'Vihreä'.
Tyttö on vesivärityöni, jonka nyt asemoin uudelle digitaalisesti tekemälleni taustalle.
Kiva kun poikkesit, hyvää viikonloppua kaikille. 

19 kommenttia:

  1. What an inspirational piece I see before me, strong words and a vision of beauty. Hope you are keeping well? Sending good health & creative wishes your way Tracey xx

  2. That is such a true quote. And especially important right now with this Covid-19 scaring everyone. Love the art to go with the quote. Thanks so much for joining us at Eileen's challenge at Art Journal Journey. Hugs-Erika

  3. A beautiful journal with your painted lady
    Yes, if the roots are firmly in the ground nobody can pass through the trees. A very nice saying!
    Greetings Elke

  4. I love this artpiece collage ... this is balanced in every aspect..the beautiful girl you painted and the digital background and of course this true and uplifting quote°
    G O R G E O U S!

    Happy weekend !

    Susi xxx

  5. Very nice piece and reassuring quote. It’s a reminder for me not to fear living in the woods so much when it’s windy! ;)

  6. Great composition, Sirkkis. Your watercolored girl is beautiful. hhank you for sharing this lovely page with at Art Journal Journey for our green theme. Eileen xx

  7. It is a really lovely quote to go on your mixed media page. The painting of the beautiful girl has a wonderful background and the bird seems to be so happy to sit close by her.
    Thank you for linking to Eileen's theme over at Art Journal Journey.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Beautiful lady and great page, love the words.

  9. LOVE this Sirkkis- what a beautiful quote and collage!

  10. She is gorgeous and lovely mixed media artwork ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  11. Nice green response Sirkkis


  12. Wow! I don't know if it is me or that I am seeing such powerful piece of art on PPF. This is very beautiful and the message strong that everyone should take note of. Have a great weekend.

  13. First and foremost, I noticed the sentiment and how very well it went with the tree you used as a backdrop for the gorgeous young lady, who I can just imagine is sharing the story of that incredible tree. Thanks for once again joining us at Art Journal Journey using Eileen's theme.

  14. great quote on your stunning artwork!

  15. Love the girl and the tree, but that sentiment is the best. So true and it gets me to thinking. Wise words and great creation.


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