keskiviikko 11. maaliskuuta 2020

Sweet n Sour

'Sweet n Sour'
This week's topic is 'Apple' at the Three Muses Challenge
 I played with lights and shadows in my fantasy interpretation. 
I made the layout and effects with Photoshop elements. Images were found from several sets of Mischief Circus and with an Internet search. 
Thank you for stopping by.
'Makeaa ja hapanta'
on fantasiatyöni teemaan 'Omena'. Leikin tulkinnassani valolla ja varjoilla. Kuvat ovat Mischies Circus-kokoelmista ja osa löydetty internetistä. Layout'in ja tehosteet tein Photoshop elementeillä.
Kiitos käynnistä.

7 kommenttia:

  1. An interesting and beautiful collage. I love those wonderful old paintings with such intricate and beautiful patterns on the clothing. This is lovely my friend.


  2. Another wonderful collage. Wonderful contrast of old and new.

  3. So beautiful .. so elegant... you have such a hand for putting all this elements together! Gorgeous!

  4. Absolutely STUNNING. Almost magical the way you positioned the apple.

  5. An apple with a heart .... wow. This is so beautifully constructed, Sirkkis, you deserve some very loud applause.

  6. I love how textured it looks. Wonderful piece. The heart out of the apple is magnificent.


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