maanantai 9. maaliskuuta 2020

Tea is served

'Tea is served with the Dutch Renaissance style' 
I made this digital collage for the theme 'Teacup' at Take a Word Challenge this week.
I used googled and Mischief Circus-images for my collage.
The background is full of things, which were typical to that time, but I succeeded to add a table for tea cups and flowers. The lady of the house is caring a teapot I found by Google.
Thank you for looking.
'Teetä hollantilaiseen renessanssi-tyyliin tarjoiltuna'
Tämän digi-kollaasin tein teemaan 'Teekuppi'.
Käytin työssäni internet- ja Mischief Circus-kuvia.
Tausta on jo täynnä tavaroita, jotka olivat tyypillisiä tuolle ajalle. Onnistuin kuitenkin lisäämään pöydän teekupeille ja kukille.
Talon emäntä kantaa teekannua, jonka löysin netistä.
Hyvää alkanutta viikkoa. 
Valitettavasti 'sadekausi' jatkuu täällä etelässä.

9 kommenttia:

  1. Hello Sirkkis! Saw you're in the advertising field, I love that because, I am very much into advertising as well.

    On topic, trying to drink tea less than usual... Due to all the coffeine it has. Trying to be more healthy, I guess! Hope you're well and to see you around! :)

  2. Oh wow I love all the details this is terrific, I could look for hours.

  3. This is a marvelous collage, Sirkkis. You have great skill in drawing together various elements into new and interesting scenes. (I see you have attracted a male admirer!)

  4. Beautiful rich imagery as always- stacking teacups adds a bit whimsy! Love this!

  5. This is so beautifully put together!
    You are such a pro with your collages Sirkka!
    Happy day!
    Susi xxx

  6. Wow, I love how you created this page all the images are lovely.
    Yvonne xx


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