tiistai 3. marraskuuta 2020

Enjoy Autumn

'Enjoy Autumn colors'
This is my mixed-media page which I made using my hand painted girl portrait and digitally made background. The girl was painted with acrylics and for the background I used several background papers and digitally combined them to one. I finished the page with the birds and other images, texts and the frame. 
I'm linking the page at Art Journal Journey Challenge theme 'Birds', which is chosen and hosted by Wendy this month.
I link the page also at the Three Muses Challenge theme 'Autumn colors'.
Thank you for looking and the time you take to leave a comment.
Stay safe and enjoy the beauty of Autumn colors.
 'Nautitaan syksyn väreistä'
Tämä on sekatekniikalla koostamani työ, jossa käytin käsin akryyleillä maalaamaani tyttöä ja digitekniikalla useasta materiaalista tekemääni taustaa, johon lisäsin muitakin kuvia ja tekstit.
Tein työni teemoihin 'Linnut' ja 'Syksyn värit'.
Kiitos käynnistä ja kommentista.

10 kommenttia:

  1. Adding the birds and mushroom to this page creates such a beautiful autumn piece Sirkkis. It is tranquil like a walk in the autumn forest. I love it. Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey. Hope you are staying safe and well. Hugs-Erika

  2. Beautiful tribute to autumn Sirkkis.
    I love the touches of green.

  3. Such a lovely rich creation! Happy Fall!

  4. Almost magical, Sirkkis. A beautifully drawn and colored lady, two very colorful birds, and a gorgeous background. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Wendy's theme.

  5. lovely page, adorable face in the middle of the autumn leaves and birds and mushroom.
    You have succeeded in creating a work of art again.
    Stay healthy, hug Elke

  6. A really beautiful Autumnal Journal page. The background sets off the birds very well. Thank you so much for joining in with my theme on Art Journal journey.

  7. Nice composition, Bravo

    Mine is HERE


  8. What a fabulous look at Autumn! Your face is beautiful and I love how the birds and mushroom add to the beauty here! So pleased that you shared this at AJJ Take care, Chrisxx

  9. Gorgeous page! I love the autumnal colours and feel that you created - beautiful 😀. Wishing you a very happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x


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