perjantai 2. huhtikuuta 2021

Inspired by MAPS

I created this digital art journal page for the theme 'Inspired by' at   Art Journal Journey Challenge. Erika and Chris are hosting this month.

Maps and history of different nations have always interested me. Travelling is of course one of the best ways to put into practice this kind of interests, but it is not always possible for your works, family matters e.g. - and for what's just now happening in the world... 
So books and maps are also excellent sources to learn more from countries and people living there. 
 I have wondered how migratory birds are able to fly hundred thousands miles every year. They really are excellent navigators - and even without any maps😉 Now I have a great chance to use a lovely bird painting on stamps, which Debra a big nature and bird lover from the blog Feather Garden generously  gave me as a present. 
I set her bird painting, on the right upper corner of my page. Thank you dear Debra for your cute present. Now your bird is let to fly over the World 😃
I digitally composed my page using my old face drawing on a piece of a map, and added other images and the text on the background, which I made digitally. I finished the page giving it a map frame.
Happy Easter holidays 🐤🌷🐤 Thank you for visiting.
'Kartoissa on jotain hypnoottista' -Ken Jennings
Art journal sivuni teemaan 'Inspiroitunut xxx'. Kartat ja eri kansojen historia on kiinnostanut minua aina. Yksi parhaista tavoista toteuttaa tätä on tietysti matkailla, mutta sitä ei aina voi panna toimeksi esim. oman työn, perhesuhteiden - ja nyt parhaillaan vallitsevan maailman laajuisen tilanteen takia. Niinpä kirjat ja kartat ovat myös erinomaisia keinoja oppia uutta maista ja miten ihmiset elävät siellä. Olen ihmetellyt, kuinka muuttolinnut kykenevät lentämään vuosittain satojatuhansia kilometrejä - ja jopa ilman karttoja 😉
Nyt minulla onkin mainio tilaisuus käyttää Debralta lahjaksi saamaani lintua, jonka hän on maalannut. Asetin linnun merkkeineen sivuni oikeaan yläkulmaan, ja nyt lintu voi lentää vaikka maailman ympäri😃
Sivuni tein digitaalisesti ja käytin siinä aiemmin kartan päälle piirtämääni kasvoa ja muita kuvia ja tekstejä. Lopuksi asemoin työni karttakehykseen.
Upeaa, aurinkoista Pääsiäistä kaikille 🐤🌷🐤

11 kommenttia:

  1. Wau! Mitä kekseliäisyyttä ja luovuutta, upea työ 👍
    Hyvää Pääsiäistä sinulle 💖

  2. It's so lovely! I'm glad you found a place for the bird! Happy Easter!

  3. I am with you about maps and travel books. And even reading people's travel blogs, especially now since I can't travel. This is a great page Sirkkis. I love your fun lady. Using the map to make her face is a great idea. Thanks for sharing her with us at AJJ. Have a wonderful Easter also. Hope maybe you have some spring weather too. Stay safe. Hugs-Erika

  4. Beautiful art Sirkkis!
    Happy Easter!
    Alison xx

  5. I also love maps. I use them often in my art, but none as clever as yours, Sirkkis. Every element is so well done and thought out, including your gifted bird. Thank you so very much for sharing this beauty with us at Art Journal Journey. I love it!

  6. This idea of face-map is really excellent Sirkkis! Bravo for this idea, this magnificent face painted by yourself, and all the rich details with which you have surrounded the subject and highlighted all these elements. All of this makes you want to travel, a desire that is perhaps exacerbated by the situation from which we all hope to get out as quickly as possible as it lingers on. Have a nice Easter holiday too my friend.

  7. What a fabulous page Sirkiss. I love the little bird but most of all love how you incorporated the maps! A beautiful entry at Art Journal Journey, Thank you! Chrisxx

  8. This is a beautiful collage with the colourful maps and the lady who is dreaming so much about her travel that her face is a map. Lovely to see the painting of the little bird, what a lovely present.

  9. Love the different maps - especially on her face. Fun images, details, and design here - wonderfully done collage. Inspiring and well done! Hugz


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