lauantai 28. elokuuta 2021

Happy Nature Day

Finnish Nature Day is an annual holiday dedicated to the uniqueness of Finland's nature. It is celebrated on the last Saturday of August, that is today.
Finnish Nature Day is declared an official flag day.

Happy weekend and enjoy nature where ever you live 💚
Thank you for visiting. 
Reipasta, ihanaa Luonnon Päivää 28.8. kaikki suomalaiset 💚

4 kommenttia:

  1. Kiitos 💖 Tärkeä hieno asia jota saamme juhlia tänään 😊

  2. What a fantastic holiday. I hope you were able to enjoy nature in some way Sirkkis. Hugs-Erika

  3. WOW, I wish we had something like that here in the States. Wonderful.


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