But this morning all was over and the scene through my balcony window glass looked this.
Outdoor all looked so beautiful and clean, and I decides to take my Northern walk to the usual paths in forest and seaside. I took these photos from the trees which were covers with snow. I must say that walking wasn't easy in thick snow because only few people were walked before.
A handsome spruce in its snow coat.
And a small spruce.
I had to go under this bridge.
Back to the near by park.
Outdoor all looked so beautiful and clean, and I decides to take my Northern walk to the usual paths in forest and seaside. I took these photos from the trees which were covers with snow. I must say that walking wasn't easy in thick snow because only few people were walked before.
A handsome spruce in its snow coat.
And a small spruce.
I had to go under this bridge.
Back to the near by park.
And where it was plowed. There back is a cars parking place.
I don't think we are the only place in the word where there is much snow now.
Let's enjoy it 😏
Nyt saatiin sitä lunta - ja kunnolla. Elisen lumimyräkän jälkeen aamulla oli jo aivan tyyntä, ja parvekkeeni lasin läpi maisema näytti tältä - valkealta ja puhtaalta.
Päätin lähteä tavanomaiselle sauvakävelylenkilleni metsään ja rannalle.
Liikkuminen oli tosin vaikeaa, kun vain muutama ihminen oli kävellyt ennen minua.
Otin puista kuvia. Paluureitin lopussa näet, miltä autojen parkkialueen reunukset näyttivät aurauksen jälkeen.
Hiihtolomalaisten juhlaa tämä! Nautitaan😏
Ohhh I remember living in snow country like that. Never again. Stay warm.
VastaaPoistaIt's truly beautiful Sirkkis!
VastaaPoistaI love the square format of your fabulous photos.
I wish you enjoy your walk my friend!
( Personally I love the snow out the window, staying warm and cozy, I am a true Mediterranean :)
That's a whole lot of snow Sirkkis. WE are suppose to get about 30 cm on Friday, and after reading this it doesn't sound so terrible. Your photos are beautiful. Fresh snow is always so lovely. Enjoy. hugs-Erika
VastaaPoistaKaunista. Meillä on liki metrinen umpihanki. Varmasti ikinä ei ole ollut näin paljon lunta
VastaaPoistaKyllä lunta on tullut paljon. Hyvät kuvat. Voi hyvin.
VastaaPoistaYour snow is so beautiful....we are crazy for spring though, and can't wait for warmer weather.
VastaaPoistaI haven't seen snow like this since I was a child! Beautiful! Chrisxx