lauantai 11. kesäkuuta 2022

Second inspiration with ATCs

ATC-people by the sea.
There  were more old ATCs with a fish image in my files. So I decided to create a new page using them. It's a digital collage page. I made a background for the cards and added other images among them, too. I took a humorous touch on the page - ATCs are often fun small art with rich image variations and short texts. These four cards are from years 2011-2013 when there weren't yet many kind of decoration supplies as glitters, inks etc. When they came on market, I found out that I'm allergic to them. This was the reason I left making them and started to create digital and other kind of art.
 I'm linking my art journal page on Mia's theme 'Fish' at Art Journal Journey.
Thank you for visiting.
ATC-väkeä meren äärellä.
Kansioistani löytyi lisää ATC-kortteja, joissa on kala, joten tein vielä art journal-sivun niitä käyttäen. Tein taustan ja lisäsin muitakin kuvia korttien joukkoon. Kuten tiedätte ne ovat usein hauskoja pikku kortteja, joissa on huumoria ja lyhyitä tekstejä. Sivulla olevat neljä korttia ovat vuosilta 2011-13, kun markkinoilla ei vielä ollut kovin paljon koristeluun tarkoitettuja aineita kuten esim. glittereitä, musteita jne. Kun niitä alkoi tulla kortteihinkin, huomasin, että olin monille niistä allerginen. Siinä syy, että siirryin enenemässä määrin digitaaliseen ja muihin taidemuotoihin.
Linkitän työni 'Kala'-teemaan.
Kiva, kun poikkesit, ja aurinkoista viikonloppua kaikille.

7 kommenttia:

  1. This certainly is a fun page with those ATC's from a while ago and the additional art you have added. Each one is a work of art in itself and I do love the waving man with the bandana on - just wondering what he is giving away free?
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Thank you Neet💗 The above being woman I believe 😀

  3. Ohhh these are very cool. I had to actually down load yet another browser to get my comments to work. At least I can now do it under my name. LOL Have a great day.

  4. These are as fun as the first set were Sirkkis. I really enjoyed this page, and they are perfect for Mia's challenge at AJJ. Thanks for joining us. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend and some lovely weather too. We've been having the best June weather. Not too hot but just perfect. hugs-Erika

  5. Glitter and ink's loss is digital's gain. You have turned your allergies into a wonderful art form. I love how you have used your old ATCs and other ephemera to create this gem for us at Art Journal Journey using Mia's theme. Beautifully done.

  6. This is wonderful! I love how creative it is! Oh- the dog I painted-his name is Finn.

  7. Another fabulous collage using your ATC's Sirrkis, each one has so much to look at and enjoy. Thank you for linking to Mia's theme at AJJ.
    Yvonne xx


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