perjantai 17. helmikuuta 2023

'The Pipe Dream' is continuing

The second version of the Front page; I bound it with a lace.

More spreads of the handmade Art Journal book size 7x4 inch:
As earlier all material, which I used is old scraps from my files and pieces of my old paintings or other works. The pages, which I have already posted you can see  clicking the link:

The spread 'This my Happy place'
 I've made the paper of the right hand page with a napkin, black lace and glue, and I made the cluster on the left page from old materials now. 

The spread 'Sleeping girl'. The face is my painting.

The same page, when the small lacey page is turned left. 
Now you see the whole painting.
The spread 'Lover's Mystery'. 
I have still old laces, which I used to add on cards.
The 9th spread 'Yoga and Dance'. 
'Harmony, strength, balance.'
'Breath in peace, Exhale chaos'.
The 10.the spread is the vintage style 'Dream'.
The same spread when the small page is turned left.

The spread
'When the roots are deep there is no reason to fear the wind.'
'Learn from yesterday, live for today.' 
I cut pieces of the paper, which I've handmade earlier,
are there up and sides on the both pages.

This 'Red' spread you have already seen earlier.

The spread 'Sea Lover. Free an happy'.
I made the cluster from old scraps now.

The last spread. On the right there is the inner back cover 'Lapland', 
 and the Virginia Woolf's beautiful and wise words are on the left page.
With these words it is good to end my small handmade Art Journal-booklet. 
Thank you for looking.
I'm linking this post at the Nicole's/DVArtist Friday face Off this week,
and at the Art Journal Journey  on the Erika's teem 'Seeing Red'
because on the spread there are images in the red color.
(The red spread is already earlier linked at the AJJ.)
Wishing a happy weekend everyone ❤️
'Pilvilinna'-kirjaseni jatkuu uusilla sivuilla. Aiemmin julkaisemani sivut löytyvät tästä linkistä:
Nyt näet loput sivut 6. - 14. aukeamat, ja kuten aiemmin kaikki olen tehnyt käsin vanhoista leikekuvista ym. materiaalista. Lisäksi on joitakin piirroksia/maalauksia ja vanhoista töistä leikattuja palasia sivuilla. Joistakin sivuista on kaksi versiota, koska ne sisältävät pienen sivun, joka kääntyy eri sivuille.
Linkitän postauksen teemaan 'Kasvot' sekä 'Punainen'-teemaan, koska sivuilla 11 vallitsee punainen väri. Seuraavan 12. punaisen aukeaman olen julkaissut siellä jo aiemmin.
Kiva, jos kirjaseni kiinnosti. Hyvää alkavaa viikonloppua kaikille ❤️

14 kommenttia:

  1. What a fascinating serie of collages. So many details and such an imaginative proposition

  2. Your Pipe Dream journal pages are fascinating and I have really enjoyed looking at them. Thank you for linking to Erika's theme a AJJ, hugs, Chrisx

  3. ...we all need a happy place. I'm glad that you have found yours! Make your day a masterpiece.

  4. I just love this Pipe Dream journal Sirkkis. Wow. So many gorgeous pages. And nice red additions too. This page is perfect for AJJ. Thank you again for joining. It's always appreciated. have a wonderful Friday and weekend ahead my friend. Hugs-Erika

  5. Your Pipe Dream journal is really special. I LOVE recycling, so these pages spoke to me. All that lace makes several of the pages feel so romantic. A great way to use your scraps and have something to show for it, too. Your red spread is lovely, too. Thank you for linking it to Erika's theme a AJJ, dear Sirkkis.

  6. OHGosh your art just takes my breath away. You are so talented and I am so happy you share it with FFO. Nicole/DVArtist

  7. Aivan super upeita sivuja. Upea on Pilvilinnakirjasi

  8. What a great imaginative series from this beautiful Pipe Dream Journal!
    This is true art from you, I've always been a fan of yours and it shows me why, you are a gifted, fascinating woman with so many ideas!!! I wish you a happy weekend, hug Elke

  9. Thank you for inviting us into your studio. Creativity always feeds this soul.

  10. Just lovely designs!

  11. Your Pipe Dream journal is certainly beautiful and I have had a lovely time looking at the various pages. I must comment though on the cover, that is absolutely beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. The Pipe Dream journal is beautiful, Sirkkis. I like how some of your pages have smaller pages that you can open and see different pictures, So clever and beautiful. Have a great week!

  13. Voi että mitä taidetta, wau 👍 sinulla on silmää ja mielikuvitusta miten käyttää kuvia yms. upeeta 😊


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