sunnuntai 19. helmikuuta 2023

Eat a Red Apple

 For the Erika's theme 'Seeing Red'  at Art Journal Journey this month.
I made my digital interpretation on the theme with altered freebies and some textures and overlays . The words were made with the digital technique, too. 
So, the red is a strongly dominant color of the page.
'Tänään syödään punainen omena'
Digikollaasini/-työni 'Punainen'-teemaan. 
Olen muunnellut ilmaiskuvia ja digitekniikalla tehnyt tekstin ja tehosteita taustalle.
Punainen on voimakkaasti sivua hallitseva väri.

7 kommenttia:

  1. The red apple in the center of your journal is delicious, oh fabulous the lady in the summer outfit is enjoying her apple!!!
    You've made a great page there!
    Happy sunday , hug Elke

  2. This page could be an ad for an apple growers association. When you look as cool as that lady does, you'd make anyone want to eat one. What a great page Sirkkis. I also love all the apples. I hope you're having a nice weekend. And maybe you've had an apple too? Thanks so much for sharing this with us at AJJ. hugs-Erika

  3. These apples look so fresh and ready to eat. I love the lady and I love her polished fingernails. This is a super entry for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey, Sirkkis.

  4. This is such a dramatic piece. I love it.

  5. No on kyllä upea luomus 👍 ja nuo omenat jotka tulevat ja menevät aurinkolaseissa, wau 👍


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