keskiviikko 24. toukokuuta 2023

Happy landing

'Happiness is landing in the flower field' 
My digital fantasy collage/AJ-page for the Aimeslee's 'Flowers' theme at
Soon our fields are full of flowers, too
Thank you for visiting 💚
'Onnellisuutta on laskeutua kukkakedolle.'
Fantasia/digikollaasini 'Kukat'-teemaan. Kohta kukkivat taas meidänkin ketomme.
Kiitos käynnistä 💚

4 kommenttia:

  1. That is true, no matter how you get there. Fun page Sirkkis. I love that tea cup this lady is flying in. Hope you're having a nice week. hugs-Erika

  2. A great saying and this imaginative journal page is wonderful!!!
    Have a happy day, hug Elke

  3. This is so imaginative and well-done fantasy, Sirkkis! Hovering looks like fun! Thanks so much for linking this up at AJJ and happy new week to you, xoxo

  4. Sorry to be so very late visiting. I love your fantasy entry. I like that she is landing in the teacup/ Thank you so much for sharing this with us using Aimeslee's theme at AJJ.


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