tiistai 16. toukokuuta 2023

Mother's Day 2023

 I made this art Journal Page for the Aimeslee's theme 'Flowers' At Art Journal Journey this month. We celebrated Mother's Day last Sunday, and I received through Interflora the bunch of flowers from my son. He is not in Finland just now. I love the flowers; orchids, roses, peonies... in my favorite colors.
Below you see the photo of them in a vase.

Vietimme äitienpäivää viime sunnuntaina, ja sain Interflora-lähetyksenä pojaltani kuvassa olevan kukkakimpun. Rakastan ruusuja, orkideoita, pioneja lempiväreissäni.
Tein kimpusta art journal-sivun sekä kukista otin kuvan myös  maljakossa.

10 kommenttia:

  1. Ooh Sirkkis! This really is so beautiful, thanks for sharing at AJJ, hugs, Chrisx

  2. That is one really really lovely bouquet Sirkkis. Your son sounds like a wonderful man to send you such a pretty bunch of flowers. I love how you memorized them in your journal page. And I'm glad you shared them with us at AJJ also. This is perfect for Aimeslee's challenge. Thank you. hugs-Erika

  3. Wonderful art Journal Page to celebrate Mother's Day.
    The bouquet of flowers your son gave you, is so beautiful.
    I hope you had a very happy day.

  4. Beautiufl flowers, thanks so much for linking to AJJ, much appreciated! Valerie

  5. Wonderful Flowers Mother day and beautiful Journal page!
    I love this work!!!!
    Hug Elke

  6. What a wonderful way to remember this special gift, Sirkkis. They are gorgeous and I like your vase and doily as well. He's a good son! Thanks for linking this at AJJ, XXO

  7. This is beautiful. Sorry I am so late but I hope you had a lovely day.


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