perjantai 25. elokuuta 2023

Joy of water plays/Vesileikkejä

Jaakon päivä oli jo 25. heinäkuuta, ja sanonta kuuluu, että Jaakko heittää silloin kylmän kiven veteen. Nyt kuitenkin lienee niin, että vedet pysyivät lämpiminä vielä pitkään sen jälkeenkin. Tämän kollaasin tein heille, jotka rakastavat vesileikkejä 🤽
Koostin sen vesiaiheisista digitöistäni sekä joukkoon pääsi lisäksi vesivärityöni, jonka näet alkuperäisenä alla. Linkitän kollaasini Teemakuun kollaasit 'Kesä23'.
Täällä näet kaikki tekemäni 'Kesä 23' kollaasit.

 Nyt olemmekin jo niin pitkällä kesää, että syksyn merkit ovat selvästi koettavissa.
Kiitos Millin koko kesäkauden inspiroineesta haasteesta ja hyvää alkavaa syksyä kaikille meille 🌻
This collage page was made and inspired by playing in water elements. We here used to say that at the name day of James (here 25th July) he flings a cold stone into lakes and seas.  We had such a long warm summer, that I think this didn't happen this summer.
The Finnish challenge blog 'Teemakuun kollaasit' hosted by Millin served us the theme 'Summer 23' for the hole summer, and this collage is my last one for it.
Some marks of an autumn are already in the air here.
As there are so many faces, I have a joy to link it also at the Nicole's/DV Artist FFO.
Thank you for your visit and enjoy the weekend 🌻👍

14 kommenttia:

  1. ...enjoy the water while you can. Here the nights are getting cooler and autumn is on its way.

  2. "Bathing Suits for Rent" made me smile with delight!

  3. OMGosh these are just wonderful. I love how you put all the water pieces together and the girl is gorgeous. Thank you for joining FFO and have a wonderful day.

  4. These are all delightful creations for summer fun ~ Wow! ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. I love this page, especially the little guy at the bottom in his swimsuit. I'd be the girl riding on the fish. We have more rain, and August has been quite cool for this time of year. The weather everywhere seems to be so unpredictable. I guess we should get used to it. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  6. Joy of Water Plays is a wonderful piece, Sirkkis! I really loved the Earth in the hand. Each time I look at your collage that portion pulls me right in. I used the English translator and realized that "Sirkkis" means "Circus!" And here I thought it was your name! Sorry about that! May next week be good to you!

    1. Thank you Louise for visiting 🌺
      You didn't say anything wrong; translate did 😀
      sirkkis is my nickname. My name is Sirkka-Liisa ☺️

  7. Ihana kollaasi 👍paljon kaikkia upeita töitäsi ja vesivärinainen on kyllä huikee 😊

  8. Vesi on kesän virkistäjä, monta iloa antaa, kuten kollaasi kertoo.

    Jaakko isäni saunoi edellisenä iltana ja kertoi aina heittävänsä vielä lämpimän kiven veteen! Kaikki Jaakot taitaa tehdä samoin :)

  9. Kiehtovia vesileikkejä, katsotuttaa useampaan kertaan.
    Upea kollaasi!😍

  10. I especially like the Bathing Suits For Rent and the Sea Lovers. They are all beautiful and fit so well with each other. Most impressive, Sirkkis.

    Sorry I was late visiting from FFO this week. On Friday I got food poisoning from a salad I bought on my way home from a meeting. I was so sick, there was no way I could sit at the computer. I'm slowly improving, but my body feels like it has been through a washing machine.

  11. This is fantastic and I love your painting of the girl's face. You are so good at faces!


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