keskiviikko 6. syyskuuta 2023

All things belong to cats

'In cats' eyes all belong to cats'.
For the challenge theme 'Cats, Books, Tea'.
They all three can in harmony take place on one book page. 
I'm linking my digital journal page at Elle's theme this month at Art Journal Journey.
Thank you for looking. Have a nice homely time 🍵📚
'Kissojen silmissä kaikki kuuluu kissoille.'
Tein tämän digikollaasin teemaan 'Kissat, kirjat, tee'. Kaikki löytyvät samalta sivulta ja mahtuvat kotonakin sopuisasti samaan huoneeseen.
'Lukeminen on unelmointia silmät avoinna.'
Näine viisauksin toivottelen teille viihtyisiä koti-iltoja 📚🍵

7 kommenttia:

  1. This is another great quote. That kitty on the bookcase looks just like the kitty I used to have. That girl looks serious about reading with her tea. :) Hope you are having a great week, and thank you for joining Elle's challenge at AJJ. hugs-Erika

  2. What a fab page this is - I lovek the various catsd you have brought into the page and the ginger one is just like "Fudge" a stray we took in (we actually cat napped him but that's a different story).
    Love the addition of the book and the Baird himself.
    Hugs, neet xx

  3. Beautiful page with all good things: cats, books, tea--perfect!

  4. Moi Sirkkis!
    How pretty nostalgic your picture 'In cats' eyes all belong to cats' is! And I'm particularly happy that the black cat looks like our Nina and the red cat looks like our Maxwell. (Unfortunately, both have died in recent years, but they both lived to very old age and had beautiful, beloved cat lives.)
    I was also very interested to read about your digitally made alteration of the Frida's oil painting 'Diego y yo'. I like it!
    All the best, Traude

  5. And if they don't believe your journal page, my two cats will testify that you are right and everything belongs to a cat. Including their "Staff," which in my world would be me. I love this for its beauty, its truthfulness, and its cats. Thanks for this amazing and stunning entry you have shared with us at AJJ using Elle's great theme.

  6. Haha how true, all things do belong to cats! Love your page sirkkis, really nicely arranged, and I love that you have included all three elements! Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month Happy Journalling! Elle/Empire of the Cat xx


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