lauantai 2. syyskuuta 2023

Cats' Menu


My digitally made art journal-page for the theme 'Books, Cats and Tea' by Elle at 
Art Journal Journey this month. 
I hope the cat lovers don't take this too seriously 😉
Happy September to everyone.

Some information from green tea.
Thank you for visiting, and happy September to everyone.
'Kissojen ruokalista'
Toivottavasti 'kissa-ihmiset' ottavat tämän digikollaasini huumorina 😉
Linkitän sen teemaan: kirjat, kissat, tee.
Kiva, kun poikkesit; hyvää alkanutta syyskuuta kaikille.

11 kommenttia:

  1. Thanks for the time and dedication you've put into this blog

  2. Oh I love this cat! What a great page. And those green eyes are amazing. I think he could hypnotize anything he looked at, which would make catching a mouse so much easier. Smile. Thanks for joining us for Elle's challenge at AJJ. And happy weekend. hugs-Erika

  3. Hyvää syyskuuta. Melkoinen menu.Hienoa.

  4. Oh my gods, a spectacled cat reading a menu: Purrfection!

  5. Kyllä otetaan huumorilla 🥰 ihana työ ja vangitseva tuo katse 👍 mukavaa sunnuntaita sinulle 💖

  6. Wow! What a purrfect page for Elle's AJJ theme! Better a mouse than a bird - I used to hate it when our cat did that, hugs, Chrisx

  7. A wonderful fun page Sirkkis!
    Happy September.

  8. Love those eyes and the fun in this page! Wonderfully done, Sirkkis. Hugz

  9. I seem to be in catch up mode. I absolutely adore that cat. I love the fur and of course, those piercing eyes. How clever the mouse is to have a menu to choose from. This is a joyful entry and perfect for Elle's theme at AJJ, too.

  10. Love the kitty with the glasses and what else would he have to go with his mouse than a cup of tea of course! Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month Happy Journalling! Elle/Empire of the Cat xx


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