sunnuntai 5. marraskuuta 2023

Magic in the mountain forest

*The mountains are calling, and I must go*  - John Muir
My digital interpretation for the art journal theme 'Nature' chosen by Jo at 
Art Journal Journey this month. 
Human beings and animals are a part of Nature, too.
If you like to see it bigger on the light box, click the picture, please.
Thank you for stopping by.
Vuoristometsän taikaa.
*Vuoret kutsuvat, ja minun on mentävä* 
- John Muir
Digityöni art journal-teemaan 'luonto'. Ihminen ja eläinkunta ovat myös osa luontoa.
Näet halutessasi kuvan suurempana valopöydällä klikkaamalla sitä.
Kiitos käynnistä.

5 kommenttia:

  1. Such a magical page! Loving the soft colours and the wolf emerging through the mountains - beautiful 😊. Thanks so much for joining us at AJJ! Happy November ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  2. Wow, this is magical! The wolf must be warning the human not to spoil the surroundings. Thanks for sharing at AJJ, hugs, Chrisx

  3. This is a wonderful and beautiful nature page Sirkkis. I love the wolf. And that beautiful mountain view. I wouldn't mind being there either,especially if I had my warm coat with me. :) Thank you for joining us at AJJ, and have a fantastic start to the new week. hugs-Erika

  4. I love how the wolf morphs into a mountain in your journal page as he surveys the land before him. Definitely a magical page in the forest with both the wolf and the maiden looking over it keeping it safe.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. What a stunning digital entry you have given us. An absolutely brilliant collage. Thanks for another great entry at Art Journal Journey using Jo's nature theme.


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