maanantai 20. marraskuuta 2023

The secret of Nature

'Adapt the peace of Nature. Her secret is patience.'  - Ralph Waldo Emerson
For the Jo's theme 'Nature' at Art Journal Journey this month.
I created also this art journal page using the 'Diana and Cupid' picture on it, because the face of Diana tells the feel of quote perfectly - and she is the Goddess of the wild Nature. 
I made the nature themed background with wild animals and a bird, and made the wise quote of Emerson trying to associate peaceful feel with my design.
Thank you for looking.
'Luonnon rauha...
ota se omaksesi; sen salaisuus on kärsivällisyys'  - R.W. Emerson
Suunnittelin vielä 'Luonto' teemaan 'Diana ja Cupid'-maalauksen pohjalta art journal-sivunkin. Tein taustan, jossa tavoittelin mietelauseen mukaista tunnelmaa eläimineen ja lintuineen. Dianan kasvoilta se huokuu täydellisesti - onhan hän luonnon jumalatar.
Hyvää alkanutta uutta viikkoa kaikille.

7 kommenttia:

  1. I've always loved that quote and it's perfect for our nature challenge at AJJ ☺️. Such a beautiful page too. I hope you're having a lovely week and thanks so much for the joining us at AJJ ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  2. I'm sorry I have been lacking in comments. I am trying to catch up. This is just gorgeous. I love your art. There is always so much depth to it. Have a very nice day today.

  3. I'm a little behind commenting, but this pastoral scene is just lovely Sirkkis. I wonder who else is out there in nature that cupid needs to tease that girl. They are lovely, as is the beautiful nature scene you created. Thanks for joining us again at AJJ for Jo's challenge. I hope you're having a good week also. hugs--Erika

  4. Perfect quote for this page which is equallyi perfect. Beautiful in every way.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. A beautiful scene and a great quote to remind us to enjoy what we have! Thanks for sharing at AJJ, hugs, Chrisx


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