sunnuntai 18. elokuuta 2024

Going to the Car ride

Click the picture please, and you see it bigger!
For the challenge theme 'Steampunk Animal' at SPA this week.
I built up my card altering the cat couple and putting on steampunk style accessories. I found more steam punk things from my files onto the background, and a couple of animals, too. The steampunk car is there back with a steam cloud.
Happy new inspiring week everyone 🎨
Tämä postikortti on tehty teemaan 'Steampunk-eläin'. Kortissani niitä on neljä: pääosassa kissapariskunta, jonka puin tyylin asusteisiin. Lisäsin  taustalle enemmänkin steampunk-aiheista materiaalia kuten mm. auto ja höyrypilvi.
Hyvää alkavaa inspiroivaa uutta viikkoa 🎨

10 kommenttia:

  1. They are adorable, a wonderful card.

  2. How cute they both look in their steampunk universe!

    ( Your comment on Mona Lisa did appear on my blog, I don't know why?)

  3. Oh, those two are so cute! Can only wish them a pleasant journey. ;-)
    Best wishes

  4. ha i love it! they are the cutest steampunk animal couple ever seen! xo

  5. Ihana steampunk työ ja ihanat kissat 💖🌞👍


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