torstai 22. elokuuta 2024

Owl's Life

My digital Art Journal Page for the Jo's theme 'Wonderfully Wild' at Art Journal Journey this month.
First I made the background with a big number of layers, light and other effects, then created my design with images from my files, and finished the work typing the quote - all made in my photoshop program.
Thank you for looking 🦉
'Pöllön elämää'
Digityöni teemaan 'Ihmeellisesti kaunis'. Ensin tein taustan useilla kerros-layereilla, lisäsin valo- ym. tehosteita sekä kuvat arkistostani. Viimeistelin työni kirjoittamalla tekstin: "Viisas pöllö asui tammessa; mitä enemmän se näki, 
sitä vähemmän se puhui."
Kiitos käynnistä  🦉

8 kommenttia:

  1. I remember reciting those words when I was a child - wonder where i got the from? A truly beautiful picture Sirkkis. Love the owlets and the moon lighting up the background.Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thank you Neet; we cant fail with owels, the are so impressive birds 🦉

  2. Oh I love this Sirkkis. You captured my heart with that owl and her babies. And the moon too. Did you managed to see the Blue moon at all? I'm loving the fall colors too. What a perfect page for Jo's challenge. Thanks for joining her again. And I hope you're having a great day. hugs-Erika

    1. I'm happy you like my owls, Erika 😄
      Happy day to you, too 😘

  3. Such a beautiful page! I love the rich coloured background with the moon and owls - perfect 😊. Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey! Hugs, Jo x

  4. Wau! kyllä kuvastaa hienosti tekstiä👍on todella upea ja vaikuttava työ 😊


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