sunnuntai 5. tammikuuta 2025

Underwater birth/Syntymä veden alla

 "Life is a gift unwrap it with joy" 

This digital fantasy art journal page was created, designed and layered with the image material, which I chose from my archive.
I finished my work with the text, that I typed on the background.
I'm linking my fantasy at Mia's theme 'Dots' at Art Journal Journey this month.
Thank you for visiting.

 'Elämä on lahja, käytä sitä iloiten.' 
Digi -fantasia teemaa 'Täplät'.
Materiaali arkistostani, design ja tehosteet tein fotosopissani ja tekstin kirjoitin taustalle.
Kiva, kun kävit katsomassa.

9 kommenttia:

  1. OOO, that are really cool dots. What a lovely fantasy piece. It fits my life well as my niece is in the hospital getting ready to deliver new baby right now too. We're just waiting for the news. Have a wonderful new week my friend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you Erika and good luck to your niece ❤️🤞

  2. And I forgot to mention a big thanks for joining Mia's challenge at AJJ also.

  3. I love how you turned the pearls into dots. Just perfect for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  4. Kaunista katseltavaa 👍 mitä enemmän katsoo sitä enemmän saa 🌞

    1. Loistava havainto 😄😉, kiitos siitä ☺️💖

  5. Very cool fantasy art, Sirkkis. Love the jewels and dots. Lovely work. Hugz


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