My digital interpretation for the Erika's 'Home' theme at Art Journal Journey this month.
I designed and layered my page with the images, which were chosen from my files. Actually you see there two homes - the girls' and the hen's😉 Maybe the other girl is a friend?
Thank you for visiting this home ❤️
Tämä art journal-työni menee 'Koti-teemaan'. Itseasiassa näet siinä kaksi kotia - tyttöjen ja kanan😉 Ehkä toinen tytöistä on vierailulla?
Koostin digityöni fotosopissani arkistostani valitsemistani kuvista.
Kiitos käynnistäsi ❤️
That's also part of having a home in the children's home.
VastaaPoistaIt looks beautiful and the two girls are having fun.
Hugs Elke
Thank you Elke ; have a happy day my friend 😍