sunnuntai 10. elokuuta 2014

Beauty -TAW/kauneus

is the word which is asked to illustrate

The concept of beauty is so wide and we can value it differently.
So it was difficult to decide my first choice.
The reason why I took these images for my art work, 
was that I've  forgotten to use my old "ArsLonga" 
(Art is long, life is short)
 -images from Itkupilli Imagenarium.
And I think costumes f.ex.were beautiful in 
The Renaissance era.
Actually I've made an ATC-serie from the same collection, but haven't used just these images.
Background is a free bie from Land of Nod Studio's.
Deborah has bought very old books from a book auction
and this is from the 1600's.
The dresses, people and background are from the same era.
The lace which I added onto BG is from Scrapbooksgraphics. 

Tämän viikon haasteeseen on pyydetty kuvaamaan kauneutta. Käsitteenä se on hyvin laaja ja arvotamme sitä eri tavalla.
Se miksi valitsin juuri nämä kuvat työhöni, on että olen unohtanut käyttää näitä Itkupillin "ArsLonga" 
(Taide on pitkä, elämä lyhyt)-kuvia.
Renessanssin ajan puvut esim. olivat mielestäni kauniita.
Itseasiassa olen tehnyt ATC-sarjan ko. kokoelmasta, mutta en ole käyttänyt siitä juuri näitä kuvia.
Tausta on vanha kirjan sivu 1600-luvulta. Deborah Land of Nod Studiolta on ostanut vanhoja kirjoja huutokaupasta ja lahjoitti lukijoilleen mm. tämän sivun.
Lisäsin sille pitsiä, joka on Scrapbooksgraphicsilta.
Puvut, ihmiset ja tausta ovat siis kaikki samalta aikakaudelta.

18 kommenttia:

  1. This is incredibly beautiful. I am absolutely thrilled!

  2. Very nice your art work.

    Mine is up.

    I keep wanting to tell you. Your hair style is so cute on you Sirkk.

  3. Nice choice to represent beauty. Great work.

  4. Lovely collage with the perfect background for your elements, Sirkkis!

  5. Kauniita ovat.Olisi kyllä mukavaa(?), jos vieläkin voisi pukeutua noin. Voisihan se olla niinkin, etteivät rahat riittäisi tuollaisiin pukuihin.

  6. i love the dresses from that era too, but i have a hard time using the figures from itkupilli... but you did a great job! Nicely placed figures and beautiful to look at :)

  7. You have made such a beautiful collage with the figures from Itkupilli! And the background goes so well. Gorgeous! xx

  8. Great choice Sirkkis!
    Beautiful elements and awesome result! :)

  9. Oh Sirkkis this is just stunning wonderful work -mines on my blog too

  10. Oh Sirkkis this is just stunning wonderful work -mines on my blog too

  11. Great concept of beauty, Sirkkis. I love the Itkupilli images and the beautiful costumes. A well done job, as usual.
    Mar x

  12. Beautiful idea! The costumes of the people in days gone past are often what make the old paintings so beautiful to see.

  13. Such a beautiful collage. I, too, love the styles of those long ago days....but I'm SO glad we don't wear them today!! Lovely work.

  14. Yes this is a very beautiful collage, their clothes are so elegant, love that style, but glad that we have another style today.

  15. This must have taken you ages-you put so many beautiful elements together!!

  16. Fantastic collage Sirkkis wonderful elements.


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