sunnuntai 23. marraskuuta 2014

TAW - Organic/Eloperäinen

The challenge theme at Take a Word covers any living organisms, so you have a large range to choose. My choice is some of sea organisms:

Image credits to Itkupilli and Rucola Design.
BG Itkupilli (altered).
Thank you for your visit.
"Pidä alue puhtaana"
Haasteteema käsittää eloperäiset organismit, joten valinnan varaa on paljon. Ympäristön suojeleminen on organismien säilymisen kannalta tärkeää.
Kuvalähteet kuten yllä.
Kiitos käynnistäsi.

14 kommenttia:

  1. kävin kurkkaamassa, kaikkea kaunista.

  2. Valtavan kaunista! Myös melkein mustavalkoinen moderni Mona Lisasi on tosi hieno. Ja ahkerasti päivittelet, täältä löytyy taatusti aina jotain uutta!

  3. Wonderful page! Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  4. so awesome - and thoughtful, too!

  5. This is stunning with stand out colours and images

    Love Chrissie x

  6. There are beautiful things growing on the sea bed and you have made a gorgeous illustration of some. xx

  7. What lovely colors. A beautiful bit of art!

  8. Nice work with the greens and these unusual plants, and I like the warning notice for the English-speaking fishes.

  9. Thanks Sheila, I however ment the warning to us, people, so that we save the organisms to the next generations.

  10. Gorgeous colours and beautifully lush sea organisms. Love it.

  11. This is so fun and beautiful I like the unusual plants you have used they make this so interesting.

  12. This is lovely. I wish people took seriously your advice of keeping the sea clean...


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