tiistai 2. joulukuuta 2014

3Muses - Whirls, Twirls, Spatters/Pyörteet, kiemurat, roiskeet

as the theme this week at The Three Muses Challenge

Click, please!
Image credits: Itkupilli, CryztalRain, BG altered freebie.
Thanks for looking.
Kiemuroita, pyörteitä, roiskeita....
löytyy kollaasistani:
'Elä unelmaasi'
Kuvamateriaali: Itkupilli, CryztalRain, tausta muunneltu ilmaiskuva.
Kiitos, kun kävit katsomassa.

13 kommenttia:

  1. This is beautiful, love your lady twirling in her whirly globe! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Beautiful lady, she seems to be dancing in the globe.
    Yvonne x

  3. Kyllä sinulla on silmää tälläisille!

  4. Fantastic artwork, Made me want to dance

    Love Chrissie x

  5. The Mucha image in the globe is just divine for the challenge. A beautiful piece! xx

  6. I like all the subtle whirls and twirls in this it is exquisite.

  7. What a creative interpretation of the challenge, Sirkkis. Beautiful!

  8. Beautiful work Sirkkis! I love the contrast in the colours you used, very appealing to the eye! hugs :)

  9. Well, my friend, this is absolutely delicious. A standing ovation from the UK.

  10. Hieno ajatus ja upea työ.


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