maanantai 20. heinäkuuta 2015

TAW - Sealife/Merielämää

This week's word is 'Sealife' at
Take a Word Challenge
I made a love story. Hopefully there is a happy end ;)
Image credits to: 2CHMD, TFS, and Itkupilli Imagenarium.
The background was altered with many filters and layers in PSE.
Thanks for looking, and comments.
Haastesana tällä viikolla on 'Merielämä'.
Tein merellisen rakkaustarinan. Toivottavasti se päättyy onnellisesti ;)
Kuvamateriaali kuten yllä. Taustan muutin PSE:ssa.
Kiitos, kun poikkesit ja kommentoit.

19 kommenttia:

  1. i hope he can see her beauty well enough through his glasses;)
    have a great week, sirkkis!

  2. this man looks so astonished!
    Herzlich Pippa

  3. Difficult to imagine a happy end but certainly a happy beginning with this beautiful piece of art.

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Fun piece in a way, Sirkkis, love the look on the man's face!!

  5. Beautiful created art piece. Story within.

  6. Haha! I wonder who is more astonished than the other!
    Beautiful love story, but how did it finish well?

  7. Thank you dear Ladies for your lovely comments. I think that in fairytales all is possible - so let's belive that all goes well ;) Have a nice day!

  8. Ah, she's so lovely one would think she'd deserve a more handsome fellow. He must have a wonderful personality, and I'm sure they'll swim happily ever after! Great fun.

  9. Beautiful love story, It's sure it ends well! The mermaid looks surprised and fish too (haha). Hugs, Mar

  10. A wonderful page, I do hope the love story has a happy ending.
    Yvonne xx

  11. A great mermaid- love this creative enchantment!

  12. Upea sommitelma. On niin mukava katsella kun itseltä joskus ideat tuntyvat siintyvän.

  13. What a fabulous piece Sirkkis, I love the expression on his face! I wonder if he gets the girl? haha! hugs :)

  14. I love the vintage feel, Sirkkis. I too hope there is a happy ending.

  15. Love the way you created layers, this is so beautiful! Surely a happy ending in sight! Chrisx

  16. I love the mermaid, too, Sirkkis! She IS beautiful! Great underwater scene.


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