keskiviikko 7. syyskuuta 2016

3Muses-Street lamp/Katulamppu

The face  was drawn and painted by me with a mouse on my desktop screen.
All other images are freebies or googled
I'm linking the collage in the Three Muses Challenge theme 
'Street Lamp'.
Thank you for calling in. See you soon again!
Olen piirtänyt ja maalannut tytön kasvot hiirellä tietokoneeni ruudulla. Muu kuvamateriaali on ilmais- ja google-kuvia.
Kiva, että poikkesit blogissani. Nähdään taas !

12 kommenttia:

  1. This is wonderful..I just love to see work with your own painted faces. So beautiful

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. The first I see is your beautiful face of your lady and her beautiful eyes and the the fence she is behind. I am inclined to adore those two interest to my mind.

    Post lamps third.

  3. Charming face you created, the whole piece so charming!

  4. I have immense admiration for anyone who can draw so well with their mouse. To date, Marie is the only one I've known, and now you've proved to be a mouse wizard too! This is a lovely interpretation of the challenge, Sirkkis. BRAVO!

  5. WOW, such a fabulous face, love the design.
    Avril xx

  6. I like your girl peering over the beautiful iron gate...great job on the it is lovely.

  7. Wow, this is brilliant and painted on your computer, awesome. Its a wonderful page.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Clever you using the mouse for your art, Sirkkis, this is fabulous!

  9. What a fabulous face - I love how you have used her! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Very nice one of a kind. Love that face!!

  11. This is wonderful Sirkkis. I love your hand drawn face. I too love drawing and painting using a mouse on my desktop.


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