maanantai 17. lokakuuta 2016

TAW - Masculine/Miehistä

'Rebel without a cause' is a 1955 American drama film about emotianally confused suburban middle class teenagers. One of the main roles was played by James Dean, and the role made him a cultural icon of the youth.
My collage is generally visualising the rebel of the teenagers.
For the Take a Word Challenge 'Masculine'
Thank you for visiting and a comment.
Amerikkalainen filmi vuodelta 1955 on käännetty suomeksi
'Nuori kapinallinen' ja tunnetaan erityisesti James Deanin roolisuorituksesta siinä.
Tein työni kuvastamaan yleisesti nuorison kapinointia teini-ikäisenä.
Kiitos käynnistä ja kommentista.

14 kommenttia:

  1. Wow, what a dramatic piece, Sirkkis, the red accentuates the drama - excellent!

  2. Terrific I was always a fan and you have used the image so well

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Masculine and soft at the same time!
    I like your picture

  4. The charging bull really depicts the rebellious character...super well.

  5. love your james dean art work

  6. Voi että rakastan näitä värejä. Komea on tuo mieskin :D

  7. Oh my! Masculine without a doubt, what a great picture you've created.

  8. Very masculine and a lovely collage.

  9. fabulous tribute to James Dean! xo

  10. Love James Dean. When I was younger I wanted a bf like him!Love your piece too!

  11. A fabulously masculine piece of art! I have just been watching a series of James Dean movies, now 60 years old. Great artwork as always, Sirkkis.


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