For the Three Muses Challenge theme 'Apple'
The apple tre was painted by me and the man with the apple was created with 4 various images from my stash.
Thank you for visiting and a comment 🍎
'Omena päivässä pitää tohtorin loitolla.'
-teemaan maalasin omenapuun taustalle ja miehen omenineen rakentelin 4:stä ei kuvasta.
Kiitos käynnistä ja kommentista 🍎
A very amusing page which made me smile! I love that guy eating the apple!
VastaaPoistaA fun face to use and a great background you created
VastaaPoistaLove Chrissie xx
Onpa kiva haastetyö ja omppumato tosi mahtava. OOt sie taitava. Paljon muitakin ihania töitä löytyi, joita en ole kerennyt käydä katsomassa aikoihin :-)
VastaaPoistaOh my, he is just grand!!!
VastaaPoistaLooks like he is enjoying eating the rosy apples, its a great page.
VastaaPoistaThe James Dean collage in your previous post look awesome.
Yvonne xx
Absolutely wonderfully quirky and fun, Sirkkis.
VastaaPoistaThat's the way it is !
VastaaPoistaA good interpretation of this statement, a cool work
Well, this is great fun. Your tree is wonderful, and the apple-eating fellow is a real charmer! Nice work.
VastaaPoistaA super page with fun images! This is a great job and so ingenious.
VastaaPoistaMar xx
This is quirky and funny and wonderful...great job.
VastaaPoistaNo on kyllä tosi hauska työ ja ihana tausta ♥
VastaaPoistaThis is wonderful fun-such a bright expressive piece!
VastaaPoistaFun and fabulous!Love it!
VastaaPoistathis is great fun! beautiful tree! xo
VastaaPoistaYour apple picture is wonderful, Sirkkit. The colours are amazing and the design is superb. However, from now on I will be inspecting my apples to make sure there are no worms inside!!