perjantai 6. tammikuuta 2017

PPF-Tea time/Teehetki

I started the new year with a hand made painting for PPF.
This is a 3,5 x 5 inch watercolour painting on a card board.
 The girl looks thoughtful. Maybe she makes plans for this year.
 I made a smal canvas with it cluing the card onto a recycled box .

Wishing your new year has started well and cheerfully.
This post's linked in Paint Party Friday Week 44, Year 6.
❤ Happy PPF ❤
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Aloitin vuoden käsintehdyllä työllä. Maalasin tämän 
9 x 12 cm kortin vesiväreillä. 
Tyttö näyttää mietteliäältä. Ehkä hän tekee suunnitelmia uudelle vuodelle. Tein kortista pienen taulun liimaamalla sen kierrätysrasialle.

                Hyvää pakkasviikonloppua ja loppiaista 

25 kommenttia:

  1. Kiitos.Kaunis ja värikäs työ.Hyvää loppiaista.

  2. Oi mikä työ wau! Tykkään niin tyylistäsi käyttää värejä, se antaa raikkautta:) Täällä n.-21'c pakkasta hyr...

  3. Hello Sirkkis, thank you kindly for visiting my blog. I do like your dear lady, she is thinking hard but the more I look at her beautiful face it seems (to me) that perhaps she may have the tiniest start of a smile? Or it may be that her eyes twinkle a lot ;D) Thank you too for the welcome to PPF - I shall enjoy it very much.

  4. This is so much fun!!!! Cats, tea, warm feelings, there isn't a better subject.

  5. Ihana maalaus ja upea aihe. Kauniit ja raikkaat värit.

  6. She's SO pretty! I love your use of color and all the interesting detailing that surrounds her as well. Happy New Year!

  7. she is lovely .This piece has a retro feel to it and I love it. Happy PPF and a happy New Year too!

  8. Ohhh she is amazing. Retro and modern at the same time. Great detailing and colors.

  9. So beautiful and lovely with her cat (could be mine).
    Happy PPF and helthy creative New Year

  10. What a sweet face. I think she may be wondering how a cup of tea got up on her head, thereby crushing the bow! Did her little cat play that trick on her? Lovely painting and collage!

  11. With this beautifully painted picture you've started very, very well into the new year!
    Here my wishes to you for a great creative 2017!
    Best wishes from Ulrike

  12. She is beautiful and I love the cat!

  13. This is so darn cute, silly and happy!!!

  14. Very pretty, Sirkkis. Your lady looks like she is thinking, maybe thinking up new years resolutions. All the round brightly colored shapes remind me of festive balloons.

  15. Love this one! And that cute kitty sneaking into the background - gorgeous! Happy PPF!

  16. Nice collage and I luv your colour choices

    happy PPF and Best Wishes for this New Year

    much love...

  17. A beautiful painting, she looks deep in her thoughts. It is a wonderful cover for your box.
    Yvonne xx

  18. So cute how you did her hair :-) She looks like she's ready to take on the new year!

  19. Love your colourful, thoughtful lady! There's so much happening in the background too...
    Happy New Year!

  20. This painting on cardboard is very delightful and creative. You are so talented:-)

  21. Gorgeous girl deep in thought! Also love your banner with the pensive girls as well! Seems like a theme happening here!! Wishing you a peaceful New Year filled with joy and creative abundance!

    Hugs Giggles

  22. It's always a treat to visit your lovely blog! I like your thoughtful girl and her cat. great colors and I like the dots!


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