My guest and me love fruits and flowers😉
'Every house guest brings you happiness. Some when they arrive, and some when they are leaving.' - Confucius
My digitally made art journal page for the Erika's 'Home' theme at Art Journal Journey this month. I made the design and layout in my photoshop program. I composed it with image material found from my archive, and finished it with the quote.
Thank you for visiting 💗
Vieraani ja minä rakastamme hedelmiä ja kukkia 😉
'Jokainen kodissasi vieraileva tuo sinulle onnellisuutta. Toiset tuovat sitä saapuessaan, toiset kun lähtevät.' - Confucius
Suunnittelin ja tein tämän art journal työn digitaalisesti fotosopissani arkistoimastani kuvamateriaalista, kirjoitin Confucius- kaksimielisen mietelauseen, ja linkitän sen
teemaan 'Koti'.
Hyvää alkanutta viikkoa kaikille meille💗
Those ladies have quite the hairdos. I bet it took them hours to get primped for the visit. And I love that quote. It is too true, isn't it? This is another great page for my challenge. Thanks for joining again Sirkkis, and happy new week to you. hugs-Erika
VastaaPoistaAnd it took quite a long time from me to build them up in my photoshop program 😄
PoistaThanks for the comment 💐