perjantai 5. heinäkuuta 2024

We can and we do/Osaamme ja teemme

This hybrid art journal pages was made with both my hand and digital made material. I hand made the background with textile pieces, which I cut from the old spent African embroidered sofa cushion cove. The net and white pen marks were added on the bottom before that. The beautiful African woman image is a digitally added magazine cutting that I digitally filtered a bit.
I finished the work typing the text:
 "We can and we do",
that realize in Afrika; women really work hard and can make great handcraft.
I'm linking the pages on the Halle's 'I've got a notion' sewing theme at  
Art Journal Journey Challenge this month.
And I show it also at Nicole's DV Art Friday Face Off this Friday.
Thank you for looking and enjoy a weekend ahead 👍🍀
Tämän hybridi/art journal-työn taustan olen tehnyt käsin. Lisäsin sille kierrätysverkkoa ja valkokynällä tekemiäni pilkkuja sekä vanhasta afrikkalaisesta loppuun käytetystä sohvatyynyn päällisestäni leikkaamiani alun perin käsin kirjailtuja tekstiilipalasia. Lisäsin kauniin afrikkalaisnaisen leikekuvan, jota parantelin hieman digitaalisesti ja kirjoitin tekstin:
'Me osaamme ja me teemme',
mikä pätee raskasta työtä ja taitavia käsitöitä tekeviin naisiin Afrikassa.
Linkitän postaukseni teemoihin 'Ompelu' ja 'Kasvot'.
Kiva, kun poikkesit blogissa. Hyvää viikonloppua kaikille meille 👍🍀

19 kommenttia:

  1. ...she is a tough, deterrent women, most men don't like this!!! Have a Jolly July weekend.

    1. I think she does not care... neither do I....
      Enjoy a FFO xx

  2. Beautiful journal page. Have a nice weekend Sirkkid
    I am inviting you to Art For Fun Friday join the link party every Friday



  3. Oh such a striking journal page ~ Wow! Dynamic ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you Carol 💗
      I wish to you and your sweet helper a most wonderful weekend 😘

  4. I was quite impressed with your adorable journal entry. I love how you chose those fabrics. I also like how you manipulated the magazine image. Thanks for another incredible entry using Halle's theme at AJJ. I agree with you about the women of Africa!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth for your wise words. Happy weekend 🦋🌻

  5. She is not only beautiful, but you added some fantastic ethnic sewing pieces too. You are lucky to have those fabric pieces. They have some fantastic details. I really like this page. Thanks for joining Halle's challenge at AJJ. And have a super weekend too. It's going to be hot here and feel tropical. hugs-Erika

    1. Our hot weather turned to rainy days 🌦
      Enjoy the weekend, my friend 😘🦋

  6. Fabulous art and a wonderful post. I love it all. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a great weekend

    1. Thank you Nicole for the challenge,
      and stopping by 😘
      Wishing all turns well soon 👍💗

  7. I love the colors. She does look determined!

    (I'm here from Nicole's Friday Face Off.)


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