keskiviikko 3. heinäkuuta 2024

Sewing is therapy/Ompelu on terapiaa

I created this hybrid art journal page using partly both my hand made and digital images from my files. I found the nostalgic vintage images that inspired me.
The layout was made in my photoshop program, and I finished it typing the quote 'Sewing - it's not just a craft, it's therapy.'
I feel also this kind of art making being therapy to me.
I'm linking the work at Halle's 'I've got a notion' theme at Art Journal Journey. 
Thank you for visiting 🌺
Tämän hybridi-kollaasin tein osittain käsin tekemälleni taustalle arkistosta löytyneiden vintage kuvien ym. elementtien inspiroimana. Löysin sopivan mietelauseen art journal sivulle: 'Ompelu - se ei ole vain työ, se on terapiaa.'
Kirjoitin sen fotoshopissani, missä tein myös layoutin.
Tällainen kuvien kanssa askartelu on minulle terapiaa.
Toivotan sitä teillekin 🌺

11 kommenttia:

  1. I really love this one, she looks very relaxed so clearly the therapy is working, hugs, Chrisx

  2. This is fabulous. The old fashioned treadle sewing machine reminded me of my grandmother who used one until she died. She wouldn't let me buy her an electric machine. Your page is beautiful and I LOVE the sentiment. Sometimes I get frustrated with my machine, but the lovely lady doesn't have these problems. Thanks so much for this great entry that goes SO well with Halle's theme at AJJ.

  3. Wow your creation is amazing.
    I really liked it, you have matched everything so beautifully that the result is fantastic! What does the lady with the old sewing machine think about sewing!!
    On the left the textures from the fabrics, the button! It's great that you know how to use photoshop!
    I always say I will try to learn it and still no time!!
    Have a nice day Sirkkis❤️

    1. I'm so pleased you like my work, Katerina 😊
      Thank you, and have a happy day 💗

  4. I love this one too Sirkkis. I think that lady is making a beautiful piece. And she looks happy about it also. Sewing can be lots of fun, can't it? Have a super rest of your week. hugs-Erika

  5. Soul Sister, this one is superb!

  6. Crafting definitely IS therapy! Love the page and the sentiment!!

  7. Lovely creation. I like a daily fix of art/craft/sewing


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